Hungarian hit song “Most múlik pontosan”



I just love the famous Hungarian hit song “Most múlik pontosan”, performed by Csík Zenekar.

The song was originally performed by Quimby, but I like the Csík Zenekar’s version more. It has traditional Hungarian folk themes that capture the essence of the Hungarian soul: the gift of being able to revel while crying. The song is bitter-sweet, it captures your heart and soul. True catharsis at the end.

This is the Csík Band’s version (“Zenekar” means Band in Hungarian):


This is the original ballad, performed by Quimby:



An this version of the song is performed by a Mexican band called “Buyuchek”. The band loves Hungarian folk music so they got inspired by Quimby’s song:


You can read the Hungarian lyrics and the English translation here.

What so you think? Did they succeed in mixing Hungarian and Mexican rhythms? I loved it. 🙂