Budapest after the war and today

Understand the Hungarians through their history


You must have heard about the beautiful, scenic capital of Hungary, Budapest. Crossed by the Danube river, it’s one of the most beautiful capital cities in Europe. It’s rich history dates back to the ancient times of the Roman Empire.

Unfortunately the city had been bombed to the ground in the 2nd World War. All the bridges, the old buildings, squares, everything has been wiped off the map. If you visit today’s Budapest, you have no idea how it looked like after the war.

A picture can tell more than a thousand words. I found a video that shows the ruined Budapest and the rebuilt one, shots taken from the same angle. It is truly heartbreaking to see all that devastation war has brought on Europe. After watching the video learn some Hungarian words connected to war and rebuilding the city.


      háború - war
      világháború - World War
      második világháború - 2nd World War
      bombázás - bombing
      főváros - capital city
      Duna - Danube
      folyó - river
      rom - ruin
      katona - soldier
      halál - death
      tűz - fire
      újraépítés - rebuilding


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