Hungarian language lesson: Numbers and counting (1-20)


Transcript of the video:

Sziasztok! Réka vagyok! Hi everyone! My name’s Réka. Welcome to’s video channel, the place to be if you want more, if you really want to learn Hungarian. In this lesson you will learn how to count in from 0 to 20 in Hungarian. Készen álltok? Are you ready? Akkor kezdjük el! Then let’s start!

I’ll tell you the numbers from 1 to 10 first. So, here they come: nulla, egy, kettő, három, négy, öt, hat, hét, nyolc, kilenc, tíz. Let me tell you that backwards, too. You know those TV shows where the showrunner is counting down and the competitors have to finish something and they get stressed out? So, this countdown sounds like this in Hungarian: tíz, kilenc, nyolc, hét, hat, öt, négy, három, kettő, egy, nulla! Now let’s play a little bit. Tell me in Hungarian how many fingers I ‘m showing you! 4 ……. négy, 9…….kilenc, 1…….egy, 10…….tíz, 3……..három, 8………nyolc, 2……..kettő, 7…….hét, 5…….öt, 6……hat. Well done!

Let’s move to the numbers from 11 to twenty. The Hungarian equivalent of “teen” from fourteen, fifteen, sixteen is “tizen”. If I translate it literally, it means “on ten”. So, counting is quite easy, as each number from 11 to 20 starts with this “tizen”, and you just attach the numbers that you already know. Let’s count: tizenegy, tizenkettő, tizenhárom, tizennégy, tizenöt, tizenhat, tizenhét, tizennyolc, tizenkilenc, húsz. Now let’s practice! I’ll write the number on the screen and you will have to tell me what it is in Hungarian, of course! Ready? Let’s start! 19….. tizenkilenc, 11…….tizenegy, 20…….. húsz, 15…….tizenöt, 12……..tizenkettő, 18………tizennyolc, 13……….tizenhárom, 17………….tizenhét, 14………..tizennégy, 16……….tizenhat.

Now you know how to count in Hungarian. Well done!

So, this is the end of this lesson, in the following one we will learn how to say you’re sorry and thank you.

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Viszontlátásra! Goodbye!

In the end here comes the funny part, a Hungarian tongue twister, try saying it with me:

Jobb egy lúdnyak tíz tyúknyaknál. It means that a goose neck is better than ten hen necks. Well, in Hungarian it sounds better. So, repeat: Jobb egy lúd-nyak tíz tyúk-nyak-nál, again Jobb egy lúd-nyak tíz tyúk-nyak-nál and now faster: Jobb egy lúdnyak tíz tyúknyaknál, jobb egy lúdnyak tíz tyúknyaknál!

My other video lessons:



  1. Saying hello and goodbye in Hungarian
  2. The Hungarian alphabet
  3. How to introduce yourself in Hungarian

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